Friday Photo – Daffodils

 A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up,
whether or no the sun be shining outside. 

~ A.A. Milne

The first of Spring! Daffodils have been blooming for a few weeks now, fooled by the unseasonably warm weather. They always bring a brightness to any yard or home ~

4-5-11 Daffodils (3)
Daffodils, All Rights Reserved


5 thoughts on “Friday Photo – Daffodils

  1. we have those flowers but dad calls them as so does everyone around here john quills ??? maybe another name for them ?…we have a yard full of them and my bf and dad pick them for me so that i have them with a lil vase at my desk…they smell so good…and yes so glad for spring here too…we have been thru the ringer here in Texas ice and snow and summer temps and then for over i think 2 weeks nothing but fucking rain!!! the lower roads are starting to flood but the good news is that some of the lakes are up and we so need the rain as much as i am sick of it lol…

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    1. Nice to hear from you, Suzette! Daffodils and Jonquils are very closely related, but I’m not clear on the exact difference. Everyone around here calls these daffodils, though, and since some of them are seasoned gardeners (unlike myself) I guess that must be what they are. Wishing you a wonderful day ~ Lisa

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      1. thank you so much 🙂 trying to get back on here….oh ok i did not know that i do not have a big green thumb lol thank you for that information …yeah me too i would go with what the ones with a great green thumb calls them lol im with you lol…well thank you but i am off to bed…tired but thank you and you have a wonderful day and if all goes well i shall be back on well as much as i can…hugs to you..suzette

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