Birthday Boys

Yesterday, Saturday, for the Big Dog’s birthday we took Zeke and headed up to the high country looking for snow. It was sad how long it took us to get there (the snow levels being so meager this year), but once we arrived it was a brisk and invigorating day. Most exciting was the bear we saw on the way up. I was looking out the car window and, suddenly, down below the highway on Salmon Creek (tributary of the North Fork of the Yuba River) on the edge of the water was a real live bear. I’ve rarely seen one in the wild and this one was a beauty.

Does anyone know what type of bear this is?




Zeke enjoying the funny white stuff on the ground ~

4-11-2015 Packer Saddle (6)4-11-2015 Packer Saddle (5)


There’s no such thing as retirement for the Big Dog ~

1-12-2015 Tim1-2-2015 Tim Planting Trees (4)


In India ~

10-30-2006 Kerala (22)11-3-2006 Ashima & Inder's Party (1)


One of my favourite photos of Tim (back when he had long hair đŸ™‚ ) ~

9-21-2006 Ananda Lane Morning (11)


4 thoughts on “Birthday Boys

  1. What a special day! I am surprised you found any snow. I wonder if that was fresh from the Easter storms! I think the bear is a California black bear. They are sometimes really brown. đŸ™‚ Probably out fishing. Aren’t there some salmon runs up there? I may be off a little off with that geography, but I think I’m right about the bear. We actually have them in our local foothills and they come down to get in pools and hot tubs. They are frequently tranquilized and taken back up into the mountains! I enjoyed your photos very much, Lisa. đŸ™‚

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    1. Good Morning, Debra! Yes, it was quite the nature show for Tim’s birthday. We also spied some birds in flight that reminded us of the story of an Indian saint (Ramakrishna) who, in his youth, saw a flock of white birds against black clouds and went into ecstasy at the sight. Thanks for the i.d. on the bear. We thought it might be a black bear, but just were not quite sure. We didn’t find snow until almost 7,000 feet. My weather site initially said we might have rain in this area today (we are at 2,500 feet), but clear skies are now greeting us. Have a lovely day, and thanks for stopping by! It’s always a delight to hear from you! Lisa


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