Meditation – A Simple Technique

The following is a very simple meditation technique which you may find useful if you have any interest in developing a meditation practice.

Sit in a chair or on the floor with a straight spine. Make sure that the body is comfortable and relaxed. With closed eyes, focus gently at the point between the eyebrows.

Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Hold the breath for the same eight counts while continuing to focus at the point between the eyebrows. Now exhale slowly to the same count of eight. Repeat three to six times.

After inhaling and exhaling completely, as the next breath comes in, mentally say Hong (rhymes with song). Then, as you exhale, mentally say Sau (rhymes with saw). Hong-Sau means “I am He” or “I am Spirit.” Allow the flow of your breath to be completely natural. Don’t try to control it at all. Be sure to keep your gaze at the point between the eyebrows, not allowing the eyes to follow the movement of the breath.

If the mind wanders, patiently bring it back to the breath and the mantra. Even experienced meditators have periods when the mind is difficult to keep focused on their meditation. It’s important not to become impatient or frustrated at those times as that makes concentration even more impossible.

Thoughts will intrude at times. This is for certain. But, if we feed them with our attention then like pigeons at the park they will return again and again for more food (our attention). I’ve found it helpful to address the thoughts that come to mind, “Not now. I know you are important and I will be with you later. But, now is the time for Peace.”

After five minutes, drop the mantra and simply sit in the silence for ten minutes. Sit with an attitude of joy or peace or love in the heart. Whichever feels close to you at the time. If thoughts intrude and persist, practice the mantra for a few rounds and then again dive into the peace of silence.

The mantra should consist of a third of your meditation period. If you practice Hong-Sau for three minutes, you should sit for six more. If you practice for five minutes, you should sit for ten more. And so on. It is most important, though, to practice with a sense of joy and energy. Never let your practice dissolve into boredom or a sense of “just getting it over with.”

Lastly, try always to end your meditation on a note of joy and calmness and consciously carry those feelings forth into your day. The more anchored you become in your practice the longer these uplifting feelings will last.

Practice the  Hong-Sau technique morning and evening for a week and notice the difference in your energy. Practice twice a day for three weeks and you will definitely notice expanded periods of calmness throughout your day.

2-22-2015 Lisa (1)
Photo by the Big Dog – All Rights Reserved


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